
Ekim, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


CHAPTER 6 ASSESSING LEARNING FROM INSTRUCTION The process of communicating information about students achievment and progress gained from the assessment process is typically referred to as ‘’Asssessment Of Learning’’. There are some key steps while assessing we should ask these questions; * Where the learner is headed; Critical and creative thinker,innovator and problem solver,Effective communicator and colloborator,Globally aware ,independent,life long learner * Where the learner is right now? Master of learning goals 21st century skills Diagnostic assessments,Summative assesments,Formative assessments,ınformal assessments by teacher,classroom and performance assessments. * How to get there? Analysis of data from formative assessments Use of formative assessment to differentiate instruction,ongoing teacher assessments,Suppoort from peers through colloborative work ,students’ learning goals and how to get there. Teachers make decisions from begin...

MY ID JOURNAL (week 5)

WEEK 5 (chapter 4) You should first define the instructional problem the problem statement needs or goals will provide the initial direction and breadth of your analysis and its also important to understand learners knowledge and background related to  topic, it  helps the designer determine the beginning point for the analysis as well as the depth and breadth of analysis. There are 3 spesific techniques for analysing knowledge and tasks A. First learn how to conduct a topic analysis B. Than learn how to conduct a procedural analysis for use physcomotor tasks, job tasks, or cognitive sequences. C .the thırd one ıs critical incident method .(For interpersonal skills) After doing these task analysis they will identify the content structures Six structures are often associated with a task analysis 1.FACTS (arrange the facts in structured pattern in order to not forget) 2.CONCEPTS (used fro grouping or similar ideas events) 3.PRINCIPLES and R...
GOAL   ANALYSIS   WEEK 4 ( ID JOURNAL ) A goal analysis is the technique used to analyze a goal to identify the sequence of operations and decisions required to achieve it (Dick, 2009) You should start a goal analysis with a clear statement Goal analysis has 2 fundemental steps 1.Classifying the goal statement 2.Identify and sequence the major steps After the goals are set, we should determine what skills must be learnd in order to complete the goals.We Should ask; What exactly will learners be doing if they accomplish this goal? The domain of the learning is the outcome,Gagne’s domains of Learning has 5 types.   (intellectual skills,cognitive strategy, verbal information, attitide, motor skills).The most useful is done by describing step by step what a person would be doing while performing the goal.Listing the steps in an outline or bullet format is essential.Flowchart of the ınformation that has been listed and sequenced is highly recommened.And th...