MY ID JOURNAL (week 5)
WEEK 5 (chapter 4)
You should first define the
instructional problem the problem statement needs or goals will provide the
initial direction and breadth of your analysis and its also important to
understand learners knowledge and background related to topic, it helps the designer
determine the beginning point for the analysis as well as the depth and
breadth of analysis.
There are 3 spesific
techniques for analysing knowledge and tasks
A. First
learn how to conduct a topic analysis
B.Than learn
how to conduct a procedural analysis
for use physcomotor tasks, job tasks, or cognitive sequences.
C.the thırd
one ıs critical incident method.(For
interpersonal skills)
After doing these task analysis
they will identify the content structures
Six structures are often
associated with a task analysis
1.FACTS (arrange the facts in
structured pattern in order to not forget)
2.CONCEPTS (used fro grouping
or similar ideas events)
to describe relationship between two concepts
4.PROCEDURES (in order to
complete a task you should follow in an ordered sequence ,as you do while making
a cake)
(verbal nonverbal skills while interacting
with other people)
It is used to identify the
facts concepts and principles needed fort he instruction
After doing topic analysis
you shoul analyze the tasks by identifyıng the steps required to complete them.
İt focuses on observable
tasks informaion,while processing analysis focuses on cognitive or unobservable
In this process you can use
a flowchart
to identify a spesific sequence of steps and key decision steps.They are
also useful while helping SME s.Identfying missing compononets and alternative
procedures are the initial analysis.
It is based on 3 types of
1.Where the conditions
before,during and after incident?
2.What did you do?
3.How did this incident help
you reach or prevent you from reachıng your goal?
This doesnt include a list of
the steps or details of the topic , it is
well suited for analysing interpersonal
skills and attitudes.
In the chapter it also says
that; serving as your own SME has two
1.İt makes easier to Access and
schedule the meeting are already familiar
with learners and problem they have with the task
the disadvantages of serving
as your own SME is; you are familiar with the content and it can cause to skip
steps and fail to identify important clues.
While conducting analysis you
can make literatyre research,interwiev with
SME,you can model the analysis by explaining the content in the topic
analysis or demonstrating steps in procedural analysis.You can record the
information for use in developing the instruction(with notepads and index
Keeping accurate record is
also important.
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