A goal analysis is the technique used to analyze a goal to
identify the sequence of operations and decisions required to achieve it (Dick,
You should start a goal analysis with a clear statement
Goal analysis has 2 fundemental steps
1.Classifying the goal statement
2.Identify and sequence the major steps
After the goals are set, we should determine what skills
must be learnd in order to complete the goals.We Should ask; What exactly will
learners be doing if they accomplish this goal?
The domain of the learning is the outcome,Gagne’s domains of
Learning has 5 types. (intellectual
skills,cognitive strategy, verbal information, attitide, motor skills).The most
useful is done by describing step by step what a person would be doing while
performing the goal.Listing the steps in an outline or bullet format is
essential.Flowchart of the ınformation that has been listed and sequenced is
highly recommened.And the steps should be in the most efficient order.If the
goal statement written with exact goal with detailed step by step instructions
it achieves the goal.
In thıs chaoter ıt also mentioned dıfferences between Goals
and objectives.
Goals and objectives are bth tools that are used to ensure
that we reach our accomplishments.They provide us with direction and boundaries
in order to keep ourselves focused on our achievement.They differ because a
goal is more long term and less defıned.In contrast objectives are the best
when they are spesific and we are worked againist a timeline.
After reading this chapter I understand the ımrpotance of
dividing the goals into sections because while we are talkıng about our project
goal with my group frıends ı was just focusing on one goal but writin these
sections it will be more useful and clear.In addition to this , I ll give more
ımportance to involve two steps in goal analysis process which is to classşfy
the goal and identify the major steps for learners (in our Project) to
accomplish the goal into one of Gagne’s domains of learning.
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