
Aralık, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

week 2 Ahıstory of Instructional Design

A HISTORY OF INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY ‘’In order to be Professional in any field you should be knowledgeable about that fields history’’ I started my reading with believing this sentences. Where our field has come from brief introduction to some of the current trends that affects our field. With examining instructional design procedures and the use of media for instructional purposes have formed the core of the field of instructional design and in this chapter the events are noted from United States. Every physical means of instructional delivery from the live instructor to the textbook to the computer and so on would be classified as instructional medium. But it is clearly mentioned that; teacher, chalkboard and text book categorized separately from other media.                                 ...


In thıs chapter ıt mentıoned :why ınstructıonal desıgn rised up?, how to develop curriculum, while plannıng ID what are the necessary elements of ID Process and some important roles while planning ID. Instructıonal design rised because of need for a better traıned professıonals technicians capable of usıng technologıes to ımprove services and ıncrease qualıty and raise productıvty wıth these purposes they gıve ımportance to ınsructıonal design. I believe if countries give more importance on Instructıonal Designing, educatıon would be much more better for teachers and students also.(I hope this subject becomes  a need while planning education and its process in our country too). And as the book says :developing Curriculum is really ımportant , without clear and well planned curriculum its not possible to create a succesfull ID, but while plannıng the process you should always consider the purpose of the instutition.The needs and where to start changes from peo...


Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select ,doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors (John Watson, Behaviorism, 1930). Behavioral psychology, also known as behaviorism, is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning Advocated by famous psychologists such as John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner, behavioral theories dominated psychology during the early half of the twentieth century. Today, behavioral techniques are still widely used in therapeutic settings to help clients learn new skills and behaviors  The school of behaviorism emerged in the 1910s, led by John B. Watson.  Unlike psychodynamic theorists, behaviorists study only observable ...


CONSTRUCTIVISM Constructivism suggests that the learner is much more actively involved in a joint enterprise with the teacher of creating new meanings. The theory of constructivism suggests that the learners construct knowledge out of their experiences. As far as I read from the chapter I can sum up that; Learning is an active process in which learner uses sensory input and constructs meaning out of it. People learn to learn as they learn. The crucial action of constructing meaning is mental. Learning is a social activity and it takes time to learn. Motivation is a key component in learning. There are two types of Constructivism; Cognitive Constructivism;  emphasizes on individual internal construction of knowledge.(based on Piaget’s theory) Social Constructivism ; Knowledge exits in a social context and is initially shared with others instead of being represented solely in the mind of an individual. (based on Vygotsky’s theory) Principles of Constructivism ...


COMPARING THEORIES 1.BEHAVIORISM This theory focuses on the behaviour of the learner and changes in behavior that occurs when learning takes place.All behaviour is explained without the need to consider internal mental states or consciousness.The learner is passive and respond to environmental stimuli.And behaviorists believe that learner bhaviour is shape by positive reinfrocement and negative reinforcement.But the learner doesnt have any opportunity for evaluation or reflection with in the learning process.Teacher is the dominant person in the classroom and decides what is right or wrong throughout the process.Learning only focuses on the external changes of the learner and have no any importance to the emotions or mental states of them.We can give as an example;rote Works,repetitive practice bonus points,participation point or verbal reinforcements to behaviorist view.But whne we think all these feedbacks A teacher can encourage or discourage a student by using positive or nega...


HISTORY OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY 1910s to 1920s Instructional education took place with visual aids such as film.The film didnt have emotion nor did it include sound. 1920s to 1950s Beginning in the 1920s through 1950s audio motion and pictures with sounds help to provide other resources in instruction design and delivery.Motion pictures movies educational radio television shows and projectors were a number of tools used to advance education and intsruction 1960s and 1970s Computer aided instruction became popular dueingh this time.Especeally in the fields on engineerşng and coputer science.Computers were actually used in hgher education classroom as part of instruction.There was usually limited number of computers in the classroom and usually accessible to the instructors and researchers only. 1980s to 1990s Personal computers became more accesible and used more by the public.Libraries ,k-12 classrooms and homes began to house personal computers. The inte...


This week I felt my self as if I was watching the debate of Ozans' (poets) in Turkey.If we gave them a saz (a turkish musical instrument) the schema that I created in my mind would be great and the puzzle’s pieces would be completed. The basic idea of Clark’s argument is that teaching methods have the most influence on learning. Media is merely a delivery device and has no significant difference in the learning outcome. Clark based his theory on research and data collected throughout many different research projects.Clark also mentioned that authentic problems or tasks seem to be the most effective influence to learning. Since he believed that media had no learning benefits, he stressed that a moratorium on further research dealing with media’s influence on learning was necessary (Clark, 1983). The key differences between what Kozma’s believes and what Clark believes is that media could and should be used more than a vehicle for delivery. Kozma’s  thoughts showe...

week 11 Maker Movement

The maker movement began first in 1900 as art&crafts and than ,in 1960 it was known as ' HACK' ,in 1990 they named it :DIY(do it yourself) and after 2005 it changed its name as Maker Movement.While I was searching on the net aboout this movement I read one of quotoes that I want to  share with you ; There is something calming or reassuring or relaxing that happens when you build something with your hands.You ve just made something bigger than yourself You are not just being a consumer anymore ‘’ Andrew Sliwinski quoted in the New york Times (2011)I totally agree with this sentences,doing something with your own is really something different it doesn’t matter how old you are..even if you are a child in kindergarden or a person at your 30s if you create something by your own,it becomes more meaningful for you. After we came to 21st century technology improved amazingly, our fear of technolgy often stems from not undertsanding how it work...

WEEK 9 Computational Thinking

Computational thinking will be a fundamental skill used by everyone in the World by the middle of the 21st century ‘.If I heard this sentence when I was in primary school I probbaly think that its totally nonsense.But when we think our century, its just like reading, writing and arithmetic. Imagining every child knowing how to think like a computer scientist is not utopic for me anymore.We werent born to technology and computer age but 21st century children were born to this amazing century and they will undoubtedly be more different than us both as an individual and emotionally. Computational Thinking enables what one human being cannot do alone; for solving problems, for designing systems, for understanding the power and limits of human and machine intelligence. There are  two A’s of computational thinking first one is ABSTRACTION; is operating in terms of multiple layers of abstraction simultaneously and the relationships between layers. The other one is AUTOMATIO...