1910s to 1920s
Instructional education took place with visual aids such as film.The film didnt have emotion nor did it include sound.
1920s to 1950s
Beginning in the 1920s through 1950s audio motion and pictures with sounds help to provide other resources in instruction design and delivery.Motion pictures movies educational radio television shows and projectors were a number of tools used to advance education and intsruction
1960s and 1970s
Computer aided instruction became popular dueingh this time.Especeally in the fields on engineerşng and coputer science.Computers were actually used in hgher education classroom as part of instruction.There was usually limited number of computers in the classroom and usually accessible to the instructors and researchers only.
1980s to 1990s
Personal computers became more accesible and used more by the public.Libraries ,k-12 classrooms and homes began to house personal computers.
The internet availability to the public by worldwide web(www) occud-red during this era.Educational advancements through computers and technology took a huge leap and has shown increasingly growth ever since.Technology tools,equipment and usage require some form of internet.
2000s to current
Technology innovations and advancements have allowed for instructional design and technology to reach higher levels than ever before.Access is seemingly unlimited availabilty is better each day and connection among multiple users and interfaces increase daily. Education is moving to learning management systems via the web and applications.The LMS (learning management systems)can be accessed by personal computers,laptops,cell phones,tables and other mobile devices.
Each term has advantages and disadvantages in itself,when we think our day we can literally say that todays children are more lucky than the past because reaching the information and planning their own learning process is easier and education can be at any where and any time they want.
In our century its a known fact that there is a generation trying to adapt educational technology (especially teachers who are old and far from technology ) and on the other side there are children who were born to technolgy.As teachers and instructioners how can we support not only our students learning process but also teachers’ adaptation to educational technology?
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