In thıs chapter ıt mentıoned :why ınstructıonal desıgn rised up?, how to develop curriculum, while plannıng ID what are the necessary elements of ID Process and some important roles while planning ID.

Instructıonal design rised because of need for a better traıned professıonals technicians capable of usıng technologıes to ımprove services and ıncrease qualıty and raise productıvty wıth these purposes they gıve ımportance to ınsructıonal design.
I believe if countries give more importance on Instructıonal Designing, educatıon would be much more better for teachers and students also.(I hope this subject becomes  a need while planning education and its process in our country too).
And as the book says :developing Curriculum is really ımportant , without clear and well planned curriculum its not possible to create a succesfull ID, but while plannıng the process you should always consider the purpose of the instutition.The needs and where to start changes from people to people, so we should consider the needs and the differences in our own classroom,school,etc..

Here are some key elements of ID process;

1.Characteristic of LEARNERS (for whom )
2.Objectives (what do you want them to learn)
3.Instructıonal Strategies (how is the subject or skill best learned)
4.Evaluatuon Procedures (how do you determine the extent to whıch learnıng is achieved.

In addition to these 4 elements there are 9 elements for the complete ID PLAN.
As the book says: to design a succesful process you should focus on these 9 elements but ofcourse you dont need to use every elements,the procedure allows for additions and changes as the ID plane takes shape.

In order to understand ID Process it mentioned 7 premises, the thıng I remember here is;
while planning efforts should be made to provide a level of satsifactory achievment for ' all ' learner.For thıs reason we should test a plan before ımplementation and focus on ındıvıdual learner and what the learner should achieve to alleviate a problem rather than on what content to cover. And the most important thıng that we should remember; ‘ everyone is unique and there is no single best way to design instructıon.(this is really important)
I am an english teacher ın a state school and while describing a simple subject I thınk several ways while teaching it because students are different, theır level background and their intelligences are not same so I try to fınd ways to reach 'all' students ın the class and ı sometimes add or change the curriculum and the techniques I used.

Finally the book  mentıoned 4 Essential ROLES must be performed during ID planning

1.Instructıonal Desgıner
3.Subject Matter Expert(SME) person responsible for checking accuracy of content.This can be Teacher or Instructor also.
4.Evaluator (person assit the satff while pretesting and post testıng)

After readıng thıs chapter I understand and be more aware of how ımportant INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN and thıs process need serious studies and efforts but as a teacher I believe if its well planned, and the Instructioner cares about the key elements and think every one as a unique and do planning after adopting all these stages than it becomes an effective and succesfull INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN.
Everything is for better learning..As a teacher reaching all the students in my class is so essential for me, I am really interested in  this process and I want to do studies after learning all the stages while planning and applying an Instructional Design.


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