
Kasım, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
ID JOURNAL 9 DEVELOPING INSTRCUTIONAL MATERIALS What is Instructıonal Material? After the instructional strategy has been completed. It is time for the designer to create the instructional material. Instructional material is a print or other mediated instructional goal. THE DESIGNER ROLE IN MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT CON’T Instruction is generally delivered in one of three methods. Designed to be delivered independently of the instructor (facilitator). Materials selected and adopted to their instructional strategy (mix between facilitator and Active Agent) Instructor personally delivers instruction. (active agent) WHEN THE DESIGNER IS NOT THE INSTRUCTOR Generally companies utilize an instructional designer that works with a team to do the design. The delivery system and Media selections. Revisiting the delivery system and media selections is a need. There are three factors that often compromise the selections.   1.Availibilty of existing instructional materials. 2.Producti...
CHAPTER 8 There are 4 different methods of preinstructional strategies for introducing an instructional unit. A) PREINSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES 1.PRETESTS    Set of questions directly relevant to  the instruction as to help learner identify and focus for the main ideas in the instruction Pretest should be relatively short so as not to delay the start of the instruction.Questions are open ended. 2.BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES The objectives the designer has developed or presents them as goal statements describing the behaviour the   students must master Avoid being too detailed but be general to keep the list shorter. 3.OVERVIEWS Similar to summary written as paragraphs of prose rather than a list of items.Provide a summary to a content and create a problem requesting the learner to solve by referring to the unit. 4.ADVANCE ORGANIZER The kind of similar to overview but written of a higher level of abstraction.Try to use general terms which are easy ...
CHAPTER 7 DESIGNING INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES It is a high level approach of how we are going to teach a subject. SEQUENCING and CHUNKING INSTRUCTION Sequencing; Use your instructional analysis to order instruction İdentical goal steps don’t have to be taught twice. Chunking Strategies; Use with complexity learning Instructional Strategy has 5 steps; 1.PRE-INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES Motivate learners ARCS model ATTENTION RELEVANCE CONFIDENCE SATISFACTION 2.INFORMATION and EXAMPLES Determine what information concepts rules and principles need to be presented. Commomn error ;giving too much information Determine type and number of examples to be used. 3.LEARNER PARTICIPATION Utilize plenty of practice and feedback 4.TESTING Test in authentic situations 5.FOLLOW –THROUGH ACTIVITIES Enrichment and remediation materials Memory and transfer strategies Transfer of Learning Utilize general instructional strategies: 9 eve...