
Aralık, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


DESIGNING AND CONDUCTING FORMATIVE EVALUATIONS Why? Because in order to determine weaknesses in the instruction.What are these WEAKNESSES? *Teachers Trainers are not good predictors of the effectiveness of instructional content *Instructional Theory is not a perfect science *Few instructional products are ever evaluated with learners. *Designer cant see the forest for the trees. FORMATIVE EVALUATION HAS SIX STAGES 1.Design review 2.Expert review 3.One to one 4.Small group 5.Field trials 6.Ongoing evaluation 1.DESIGN REVIEWS (we should ask these questions) Does the instructional goal match the problem identified in the needs assesment? Does the learner and the environemental analysis match the audience? Does the task analysis include all the prerequisite skillls? Are the test items are reliable and valid and do y-they match the objectives? 2.EXPERT REVIEW Is the cıntent accurate and up-to-date? Does it present a consistent perspective?...